Reversing Tooth Decay
The Magic of Reversing Tooth Decay. Fun Science!

Okay, so here’s a neat idea. Did you know that even though a cavity may start to form in your mouth, there are ways to reverse that decay? Pretty cool, huh?! It’s possible. And, it’s neat as heck. We’ll tell you about it. There are also these little cells called odontoblasts (doesn’t that sound like it’s something from Star Wars!?) … yeah, and they lay down this layer of protection against approaching cavities like it’s a battle, and … Wait! Grab the kids so they can learn too! Your teeth are pretty amazing. They’re also exceedingly good at “recognizing” their importance in your life. Teeth allow are critical for sustenance, to the structure of your face, and in the ability to interact with others with a smile. It’s no wonder then, your pearly whites like to take care of themselves – all the way to the cellular level … to the Odontoblasts!